Currently, we have about 50 members. However, there is more to CDS than acting on stage, if you are a budding photographer, make-up artist, painter or carpenter then you are needed! The group has a very active social life and attend many events together, see our Events section to find out more.


The committee is made up of CDS members who are there to make sure that everything runs smoothly in the society. They organise advertising, finances, social events and generally support the society and its members, so that each show is a good experience for all. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held, usually in May/June, for all CDS members to attend. It is an opportunity to summarise the years events and for everyone to have their say, as well as elect the Committee for the year ahead. According to our Constitution only paid up members of the group are allowed to vote.

Something for Everyone

Get Involved At CDS we all support each other to make a great show. This doesn’t just mean acting, there is a lot of work that goes into putting on a show and whatever talents you may have, there will be a job for you….